EnvironOxide™ solids are produced by Iron Oxide Recovery who pioneered the recovery of these solids at passive mine water treatment systems in Pennsylvania. EnvironOxide™ products are 70-95% pure (FeOOH, Fe(OH)3) with strong pigmentary characteristics, high surface area and low particle size.
Hoover Color Corporation produces a line of EnvironOxide™ pigments that are recognized as the only green pigments available in the world.
EnvironOxide™ is useful in remediation applications because of high reactivity and adsorptive capabilities. Studies with contaminated soils have shown strong affinity for As, Cd, Cu, and Zn. EnvironOxide™ is a component of the TRAPPS™ soil stabilization system which is used to treat Pb-contaminated soils.
A large field experiment recently demonstrated that release of Se by coal mining wastes was significantly decreased by EnvironOxide™ amendments. Additions of EnvironOxide™ to animal manure have been shown to decrease soluble P and H2S generation.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss how our EnvironOxide™ can suit your specific needs.